
Our Beliefs

Inerrancy of Scripture

We believe in the inerrancy of Scripture (2 Timothy 3:15-17).


We believe in the Trinity (Genesis 1:26-27).

Jesus is the only way to Heaven.

We believe Jesus is the only way to Heaven (John 14:6).

People are Sinners and Need Jesus as Lord

We believe all people are sinners and need Jesus as Lord (Romans 3:23).

Salvation is by Grace through Faith in Christ Alone

We believe salvation is by grace through faith in Christ alone. You cannot work or earn your way into Heaven (Ephesians 2:8-9)

Eternal Security

We believe in eternal security (the perseverance of the saints). We believe that a believer cannot lose his salvation (1 Peter 1:2-5).

Church is the Bride of Christ

We believe the Church is the Bride of Christ (Acts 2:41-42).

Baptism and the Lord’s Supper

We believe the two ordinances are Baptism and the Lord’s Supper (Matthew 3:13-17; 1 Corinthians 11:23-29).

Intentional Evangelism

We believe in intentional evangelism (Matthew 28:18-20).

Biblical Stewardship

We believe in biblical stewardship. We teach tithing (Malachi 3:8-12).

Literal Hell

We believe in a literal hell (Revelation 20:11-15).